At the Gellibrand Point nature recreation area.

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South Arm Pipeline

Water for the Community

The South Arm Pipeline is a 14km pipe network between Blackmans Bay, across the timtumili minanya (River Derwent) to the mutatayna (South Arm) Peninsula.

The pipeline will provide an environmentally and economically preferred solution for high quality irrigation suitable water currently being released into timtumili minanya (River Derwent) at the TasWater Blackmans Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant.

South Arm Pipeline Pty Ltd will further treat the water to Class A irrigation quality and pipe it across timtumili minanya to one of the driest parts of lutruwita/Tasmania.

The water will be available for a number important community and agricultural uses, as well as to provide the water supply for the Gellibrand Point Nature Recreation Area.

Importantly, it will help unlock the enormous agricultural potential of the peninsula, with benefits akin to the rejuvenation of the Coal River region.

The pipeline will also greatly enhance local firefighting capability on the peninsula.


Will divert 2.6 mega litres of treated effluent from discharging into the river to beneficial reuse Class A irrigation water.

14km long network spanning from Blackmans Bay to mutatayna (South Arm).

Federal Government funding committed to be provided during construction.

Construction commenced in August 2022, planned completion date of April 2023.


Irrigation can occur throughout the day, rather than be restricted to night-use Reduced nutrients in run-off minimises impact on Spotted Handfish habitat.

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